Do it Quick. Make it stick. Have a hook. Make them want to look.
Ultimately, simplified marketing aims to make the message more effective by cutting through the noise and focusing on what matters and resonates to the audience.

The Agent P on your mission. KNOW IT is reachable and achievable
for your A mentor, advisor, reviewer, guide, distiller, and advocate for clear crispy communications. Offering advice with a personal perspective on your ideas, thoughts, marketing communications strategy, or even just a 1:1 chat.

Stay focused on the prize -- you and your audience.
Strategic marketing, messaging & mentoring. that are simple, digestible, consistent, and cohesive. basically, simplify the complex! We believe simplicity gives the greatest levels of acceptance, understanding and engagement.

laser focus


Crispy Communications & Simplified Messaging Marketing

Cohesive Turning complexity into clarity.

Making technical and civic topics digestible.

Campaign cross-marketing with traditional and digital

Leadership and MarComms Mentorship & Consult


strategic MARKETING, MESsaging, AND mentoring IN

  • Community engagement.

  • Civic & Government reach.

  • Mobility & innovation.


storytelling that resonates

simplify the complex

translate written to visual messaging

cohesive brand and campaign development

integrated marketing campaigns

marcomms strategies facilitation & ideation

tradition to digital marketing

mentoring, 1:1, advising and consulting

the GOAL


PROVEN expertise:

strategic vision:

results driven:

collaborative leadership:

Proven Expertise: Over two decades of leadership in marketing and communications for mobility and technology companies, driving innovation, adoption, and market growth. Extensive community advocacy and public engagement (i.e. government, civic, non-profit and grassroots) 

Strategic Vision: Ability to translate complex technological advancements into compelling narratives that resonate with diverse stakeholders.

Results-Driven: Track record of achieving measurable outcomes through integrated campaigns, stakeholder engagement, and brand development.

Collaborative Leadership: Skilled at building cross-functional teams and fostering partnerships that deliver lasting impact

Get in Touch


The Agents 9 focuses on consulting, mentoring, advising, and fractional marketing campaign management (CMO). I aim to help distill messaging and deliver crisp, impactful communication that resonates and sticks in today's fast-paced information landscape. I can be a second set of eyes, offer 1:1 support to brainstorm or review your pitch, or simply be a listening ear—because I understand how lonely it can be at the top. My mission is to advise on opportunities to make your marketing communications resonate. If you or you know anyone looking for someone who is reachable and achievable to accomplish your mission, I am your Chief Agent P. 

Praveena | mamaswami | Chief agent p


Slick n' Quick. Make it stick. Have a hook. Make them want to look.

Slick n' Quick. Make it stick. Have a hook. Make them want to look.

messaging & mentoring that resonates

messaging & mentoring that resonates


  • a·gent: ˈāj(ə)nt a person or thing that takes an active role or produces a specified effect. a doer of an action. a person or company that provides a particular service. a person or thing that takes an active role or produces a specified effect.

  • nine: /nīn/ it is a number that resonates. In numerology, nine signifies the completion of one phase, paving the way for the initiation of the next with an aim to make a positive impact on the world.

  • frac·tion·al: ˈfrakSH(ə)nəl/ This highly skilled professional agent who is offers their expertise on a retainer or project basis so companies can have a cohesive marketing campaign and communications strategy.

  • ma·r·comm: marcom is an abbreviation for "marketing communications" and refers to the use of various marketing channels to communicate.

Chief agent p

MY SUPERPOWERS: Simplyifing the complex. High 
THE DOWN LOW: Vast experience in management and project deployment in marketing, communications and PR. Focused on civic strategy and innovation & mobility on strategic marketing communications.  

Proven Expertise: Over two decades of leadership in marketing and communications for mobility and technology companies, driving innovation, adoption, and market growth. Extensive community advocacy and public engagement (i.e. government, civic, non-profit and grassroots) 
Strategic Vision: Ability to translate complex technological advancements into compelling narratives that resonate with diverse stakeholders.
Results-Driven: Track record of achieving measurable outcomes through integrated campaigns, stakeholder engagement, and brand development.
Collaborative Leadership: Skilled at building cross-functional teams and fostering partnerships that deliver lasting impact.

Crispy Communications & Simplified Messaging Marketing Cohesive
Cross Marketing Campaigns (Traditional to Digital)
Civic campaign marketing packages
Marketing Mentorship & Consult
Technical translations for public understanding

Toyota Motor Corporation, Mobility Corporate Communications 
Toyota Foundation Michigan, Public Relations, Engagement and Communications
May Mobility Corporate Communications, Marketing and Community Engagement
EAVX Innovation Center of J.B. Poindexter Marketing, Communications and PR
12 boards or commissions served. 15 public speaking engagements. 

Masters: Strategic Communications & Digital Media
Degree: Business Management & Marketing 
Certification: Graphic Design
Mayoral Proclamation for Volunteerism, City of Ann Arbor
Recipient of Washtenaw Innovation Technology Award